IF GOD CALLED YOU TO LEAD...Will He not also qualify and equip?

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We help mission-focused Leaders upscale their nonprofit teams with
The Holy Spirit Advantage

Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and give you help, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” — ISAIAH 1:10

Perhaps you remember the early days when doors opened readily before you and opportunities were ripe for harvest.

With the passage of time, you experienced highs and lows. Good people came and left. And here you stand again at a crossroads.

So what's your decision. Do you pass the baton to someone else?

Or do you look up—and dare ask God for an even greater vision?


<span style="color:rgb(247, 237, 214)">Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and give you help, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” — ISAIAH 1:10</span><br/>

It's possible... God may have MORE in store in this next chapter than you imagined.

And whomever God calls, He faithfully equips. HE is always willing, able and ready to move His initiatives forward.

Are you?
God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.
(2 Cor. 9:8)

Leading is hard—you're not the only feeling that. In fact, in these times of uncertainty, you'd be unusual if you haven't been thrown a bit off course.

When you feel your "get up and go" has "got up and went," what if you found ONE secret to turning off the noise for a moment and gain new clarity? An "AHA moment" that would work, understanding the situation as intimately as you do?

Would you take that vital step if it was offered?

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it's time to level up
What got you here... may not get you there.

Perhaps you've done well up to now—but know that God has called you to take your organization to the next level.

Or maybe you're one of so many nonprofits in the US that is struggling to make ends meet and just barely getting by.

With the unprecedented challenge of a global pandemic, a new cold war erupting in western Europe and a big recession on its way, it's only natural for leaders to feel like the world is stacked against them.

But there are also signs of hope:

• Experts report that in the next 20 years, there will be a national wealth transfer of $67 TRILLION as Baby Boomers leave behind a legacy of support to the causes they care about most.

• In 2021, despite a global pandemic, the philanthropic world has seen an INCREASE in charitable giving by 10% nationally... and this in a year of worldwide crises and seemingly insurmountable tragedies. Americans want to do their part to help—now more than ever.

• Spurred into action, Christians from all walks of life and every denomination have appeared at the forefront of rescue and relief, caregiving and social justice.

These generous believers are hard at work, shoring up their communities from the inside and giving generously through the world... by offering tangible help, support, encouragement and supplies out af an abundance of resources and a singular desire: To be the Hands and Feet of Christ in a lost and foreboding world.

YOU are a vital link in this social economy, known As God's Kingdom. As a leader, you steer and drive the initiatives that reach those who need help the most. It's your kind of leadership that the world needs right now.

And it's not just physical needs you are meeting. In the U.S. alone, over 16 million people suffer from depression and 20% of all women and 12% of all men will experience it at some time—especially in these days of extended isolation. Imagine what a message or hope the gospel brings to those who are suffering in these times?

Right in your backyard, there are the silent dispossessed—the ones you seek to serve, who have no place to turn for the help and solace they so desperately need.


In fact, isn't that the reason you began this journey in the first place?

The long and the short of it is, you would not have come this far were it not for the fact that you were called by a mighty God to do a mighty work... and you have been faithful.

What you are going through right now is a sign that you are ready for a new chapter. You are experiencing the growing pains of becoming a fully-fledged nonprofit powerhouse...

You are at the point where many quit. Or rest on their laurels and stagnate. Some will board up shop. And others will leave as their team transitions to another regime.

But many in your position have chosen one path less traveled...

It is the one chosen by Joseph, Moses, David, the disciples—and ultimately Jesus himself.

We learn from their lives that great leaders will face great challenges. And while daunting, these challenges will always be met with very powerful and engaging force to be reckoned with:

A Holy God with a victorious vision... seeking people who are willing to use their leadership skills to their fullest capacity... to be MADE into the leader needed to lead His projects into the next phase, unflinchingly toward an unknown future.

Will you be counted among them?

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”—ISAIAH 6:8

Low Tide (3)

Center for Mission Effectiveness

When you're ready to work to get your team to the next level
Leadership | Development | Strategy | Marketing | HR/Ops | Finance | Innovation

Why We're Different
Nobody was meant to go it alone. We are made for connecting, relating, and processing with another person. It's how we learn best.

The secular world has no end of coaches and trainers to help them meet objectives, but what about those with a distinct calling from God?

Christian charities, ministries and nonprofits deserve better.

We're here to help YOU, the Christian leader, with the outside support you've been lacking.

hero cta
Hero CTA

Ready to Bring Christian Leaders Proven Results

We are a uniquely Christ-centered consultancy whose sole purpose is to support and encourage the overloaded Christian leader, who wants to make a God-sized impact in their area of calling—without burning out.



As co-laborers in Christ, our purpose and ultimate objective is to prayerfully partner with you as you see God fulfill his promise found in scripture:

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.




You Set the Appointment, We Match You With Your Personal Coach

We're launched as a program of the Christian Foundation of America, and work with experienced Christian professionals of the highest caliber.

Learn why award-winning nonprofits are excited to recommend us to their peers, and then become some of our greatest supporters.

Maybe you've tried similar "consultants" before and it just didn't click. Or maybe it was too expensive, or you're not sure if you're ready for a big commitment.

We get it.

But we're different. We don't make promises we can't keep; we only offer real strategic solutions that have proven results.

No cost, no obligation. Start with a short assessment, then you can go from there—on your own or together.

Are you game?



Meet John Gardner, Our Founder

  • Founder & Executive Director

    Your organization has a life-cycle. Is it on the rise or slowly declining? Has your strategy effectively adapted?

    Nobody would climb Everest without a very experienced sherpa—a guide. You need others who have gone down the path you're about to walk to shed light on how to best navigate the challenges ahead.

    We're able to address sensitive matters that are often difficult for leaders to share. Using our tried-and-true system, we'll help you:

    • clarify strategy, and remove clutter
    • set objectives that everyone buys into
    • structure more effective meetings
    • resolve hindrances to effective decision-making
    • align activities with your God-given mission and goals.

    We also help you determine whether you need to update or tweak your operating model to more effectively implement your revised strategy.

    And best of all, we help you grow as a leader. We provide guidance on developing future stakeholders and leaders-in-training to ensure a seamless transition as you grow.

    Do More With Less | Achieve Greater Organizational Effectiveness

    If you don't know where to start, why not start with a short conversation? A few questions can get your thoughts flowing... and if you need more support, we're here to serve you.

    Nonprofit leaders sacrifice much of themselves to meet the mission they've been called to. You deserve more than what the world offers.

    You deserve a team of encouragers and sages who've walked your path and understand the unique challenged you face.

    Let's start a conversation about what's happening in your ministry now, and together we can find God's best move forward.


You're Invited!

We're rising up to the challenge of building a new kind of Christian leader—one specially called, trained and equipped to move their mission into the future. Are you ready to take your place?
Three levels of service
We'll meet you where you're at with customized, nonprofit-friendly coaching sessions

We have a plan and process to ensure you'll not only get the funding you need, you'll gain the support and backing of your leadership team.

We'll help you get buy-in from your entire team

Whole team dynamics ... transformed in a 3, 6 or 9 month jumpstart. After that, we're available to serve you with ongoing personal and team development.
You know that relationships are interconnected and how you interact with one another is key to growing and changing in a healthy way.

Book a group session with your entire leadership team and restore harmony and teamwork as you get everyone in sync.

Sometimes, just getting everyone moving in the same direction will set the course for improvements in all other areas—so that's why we emphasize whole-team sessions for maximum impact.
Here's what happens when our clients take that first step and make one phone call

John has served as my professional coach for two years.  His decades of leadership experience in healthcare have proven extremely valuable to me personally. 

He is excellent at both asking questions and probing for truth.  He is a wise and winsome advisor/advice giver.  I have grown professionally as a result of our relationship.  I am increasingly confident in my work and believe I am more effective and productive. 

John is also a great collaborator and connector.   He has introduced me to like-minded professionals in his network and I have benefited.  I am very grateful to call John a coach and friend.

R.R.- VP of Operations

Thank you John for pouring your wisdom into us

  • We appreciate you and your teaching us to be better leaders - DM
  • Thank you for your wisdom and time - MD
Ventura County Rescue Mission Leadership Team

Thank you for taking the time to meet with our team to share important team relationships and biblical principles

K.W. - Private Christian School School Administrator

We owe you a debt of gratitude, you have been an engaged and committed advocate on our advisory board from day one – we have learned so much from you in terms of how your navigate meetings and the topics discussed – you have so much knowledge and expertise to share

M.N. - County & City Area Agency on Aging - Director / Associate Director

Each year I search for that special graduation speaker. Someone who will leave a lasting impression and speak truth that will resonate throughout our student's lives. I specifically wanted a strong, faithful man to impart Biblical wisdom and leadership skills to our students. in this difficult year. 

I found that speaker in John Gardner. Through his well prepared speech, John inspired our students to live intentionally using many Biblical principles and relatable examples. He is a motivating speaker and a great example of a strong Godly man.

L.G.— Executive Director, Private Christian Middle School

One of the main lessons I took from the Maxwell book on growth was being accountable – I think I would be asleep within the pages if I didn’t recognize my significant role in not performing to what we are capable of.

C.W. - VP Sales & Marketing

I have shared with you on multiple occasions how I truly value the lessons and 1 on 1 time with you.

T.F. - Chief Operating Officer

Words can’t express my gratitude for all that you have done these past 7 months!

E.N. - CEO
Take one step toward a brighter future.
Your calling is meaningful, your mission has value and purpose.

Don't let internal strife diminish your perspective. We understand the need for discretion and confidentiality in difficult situations—you can trust us to honor that.

Gain fresh, objective insights in how to navigate a sensitive trial. Together, we'll find a path through this rough patch. Don't delay any longer—your future awaits!

Get Started Today!

You're the leader. Take decisive action now by completing this free diagnostic "What's Our EFFECTIVENESS Blind Spot?"
Right now you're already taking the mental steps toward a stronger, healthier, more mission aligned organization that's ready to face the challenges of a new chapter. Why stop?

Take this 10-Point Asssessment today, see where gaps may exist in your organization, and call us for a free consultation to get your team aligned and moving forward more effectively.We guarantee results!

God's People
Helping God's People
Do God's Work

Why not unleash the powerful effects of The Holy Spirit Advantage in your organization? You can start today with this short diagnostic assessment.